albumplays | Check the plays you have for an album. | albumplays (album) by (artist) |
artistplays | Check the plays you have for an artist. | plays (artist) |
customcommand | Create a custom nowplaying trigger | customcommand set [trigger] |
fmcover | Album cover for your currently playing track or the one you're searching for. | fm-cover (user) |
fmembed | Create a custom 'nowplaying' embed | fmembed (subcommand) |
fmreactions | Change your nowPlaying reactions
[NeonPremium]( is required to use more than 2 custom reactions. | fmreactions [emote 1] (emote 2) (emote 3) (emote 4) (emote 5) |
globalwhoknows | Lists the globally top 100 listeners to your currently listening to artist or any provided artist. | gwk (artist) |
globalwhoknowsalbum | Lists the globally top 100 listeners to your currently listening to album or any provided album. | gwka (album) |
globalwhoknowstrack | Lists the globally top 100 listeners to your currently listening to track or any provided track. | gwkt (track) |
imgtopartists | Check yours or someone's top scrobbled artists. (Generated Image) | imgtar (period) (user) |
login | Login to your account. | login [username] |
logout | Logout from your account and completely delete your data. | logout |
lyrics | Lookup the lyrics of your currently listening to track or any track you search for. | lyrics (query) |
nowplaying | Sends your currently listening to track on | nowplaying (target) |
overview | See your overall information for an artist | overview (artist) |
taste | Compares artists you and another user listen to, and amounts of plays you both have | taste [user] |
topalbums | Check yours or someone's top scrobbled albums. | topalbums (period) (user) |
topartists | Check yours or someone's top scrobbled artists. | topartists (period) (user) |
toptracks | Check yours or someone's top scrobbled tracks. | toptracks (period) (user) |
trackplays | Check the plays you have for a track. | trackplays (track) by (artist) |
update | Update your indexes if you are missing plays. | update |
whois | View the details of a account. | whois (user) |
whoknows | See the top 100 listeners in the server to your currently listening to artist or any provided artist. | whoknows (artist) |
whoknowsalbum | See the top 100 listeners in the server to your currently listening to album or any provided album. | whoknowsalbum (album) |
whoknowstrack | Lists the top 100 listeners to your currently listening to track or any provided track. | wkt (track) |